Many warriors all around the globe believe that Brazilian jiu jitsu is all about submission game, but this martial art is way more. It is a way of life, BJJ teaches you to be humble and focus on your goals, to work hard and achieve your goals.
It is becoming an increasingly popular discipline thanks to its influence on overall strength training. Elite BJJ athletes can lift big weights but the transition between positions in a split of seconds in the fight is so unreal.
These super-quick scrambles turn BJJ competitions into some of the most entertaining ones in the world. Unlike other martial arts, BJJ practice combines weight training, resistance training, and a specific BJJ strength – BJJ athletes are known for their great explosivity, quickness, and amazing full body strength.
Pursuing a solid Jiu-Jitsu workout and strength training for BJJ is only half the battle; ensuring your gear matches your aspirations is just as important. Take a look at our top picks for the Best BJJ Rash Guards to help you optimize your training, providing unbeatable quality and comfort while showcasing your heroic personality.
Training Brazilian jiu-jitsu leads to developing both a strong mind and body, which is essential in your route to a great warrior! Many legends who have successfully trained in BJJ have improved the quality of their life significantly.
Ad esempio, il gran maestro Carlos Gracie Jr. ha reso famosa la disciplina con l’affermazione “Non si perde nel jiu jitsu. O vinci o impari”. Descrive la cosa più importante nel BJJ: un percorso senza fine verso la perfezione, aumentando la tua performance nel BJJ ogni singolo giorno!
The title “Unleash Your Inner Warrior” is a metaphor to help you discover your inner strength and potential – BJJ will help you develop multiple muscle groups that don’t work in other disciplines, activate every single area of your body, and put your thinking to a whole new level!
Now it’s time to learn more about the great Brazilian submission martial art and kick off your own BJJ journey. Please start training, and remember, a great BJJ athlete is not just a fighter, he’s a warrior ready to improve his skills until the last dying breath!
BJJ Training: Proven Techniques and Tips For Beginners
High-level jiu-jitsu training leads to a ton of benefits for your body, such as improved physical fitness, self-defense skills, and even greater mental discipline. You won’t afraid when a big street bully who performs strength training every single day drags you to the canvas as you’ll be able to finish him in less than 5 seconds! Not just a minute, he’ll be done until you count to ten!
BJJ is extremely popular in the MMA community. Since an average BJJ fighter Royce Gracie won UFC 1 in 1993, the popularity of the sport skyrocketed. Nowadays, there are many fighters with superb ground skills on the mat.
Believe me, you don’t want to end up on the guard of a BJJ guy! There are so many influential jiu jitsu names in mixed martial arts – Demian Maia, Nate Diaz, Nogueira brothers, Shinya Aoki, Mackenzie Dern, Jacare Souza, Tony Ferguson… Good BJJ practice turns you into a wizard of your back!
In the first place, it used to serve as a martial art for samurai, as an early form (Ju-Jutsu). It later transitioned to Judo, which was later turned into a BJJ. The Gracie family is Helio Gracie, and the whole Gracie family played a major role in making BJJ one of the most popular sports in the world.
There are two disciplines of BJJ today – gi and no gi. In a no gi combat, matches happen in spats and rash guards, and some moves from gi fighting are not applicable. This article will now focus on the most important tips and techniques for BJJ beginners.
Train 2-3 Times Per Week For Optimal Results
How many times per week should I train? Will bodyweight strength training lead to better overall BJJ skills? This article is about to answer your dilemmas!
If you’re a beginner, 2-3 sessions per week should be ok, but if you’d like to progress faster, 4+ will lead you to a certain level of knowledge way faster. Here are some tips for the proper training workouts for beginners:
- Consistent training leads to an improvement in strength, and flexibility, and makes your technique perfect.
- Stretching, rest and a proper recovery session between your BJJ trainings keep your body away from injuries and helps you progress better and faster.
- You can’t expect to become a superstar overnight, consistency is the key to achieving your goals in BJJ. You need some time to learn movements, but practice makes perfect!
- Puoi fare vari esercizi di BJJ, ma anche allenarti e prendere parte a sessioni di allenamento per la forza e il condizionamento. Incorpora vari allenamenti in un programma di 2-3 volte a settimana e le tue prestazioni cresceranno rapidamente!
- You can stay motivated if you set realistic goals. Don’t expect to become the world champion right off the bat, incorporate your regular training schedule into your life, find a good training partner and stay on the course of your progress.
Maintain Hygiene And Safety By Cutting Your Toenails And Fingernails Short And Wearing A Clean Uniform
Un gatto si lecca e si pulisce molte volte al giorno. Puoi imparare qualcosa da questi animali: trasforma la tua sessione di allenamento in divertimento mantenendo la tua attrezzatura da allenamento super pulita.
Here are some tips to help you maintain hygiene and keep your opponent safe during the exercise:
- Contact with other practitioners can lead to the spreading of germs and bacteria, so take a shower two or more times on the same day. Personal hygiene matters a lot.
- Cut your nails at least every three days. You must wear a clean uniform as a precautionary measure to stop the spread of potential diseases and infections. This detail prevents you from injuries but also makes you feel more comfortable and confident during your workouts.
- Sanitize your training gear and uniform after each use. It means you should was it after strength training exercises too.
- Good hygiene also means you respect your opponent and training partner. People might start staying away from you if you come dirty to your dojo over and over.
Take Drilling As Seriously As Sparring For A Well-Rounded Workout Experience
You must focus during your workouts – if you train just for fun and think about something else during your workout, you won’t progress. Drilling and sparring are very important for a well-rounded overall experience, but your mind must be in the gym!
The first workouts will consist of partner drills, rolls, shrimps, transitions, and potential conditional sparring. BJJ strength drills (push ups and other exercises) will come later. You can incorporate many lovely techniques into your BJJ training routine as time goes by.
La perforazione quotidiana migliora la tecnica e la memoria muscolare e porta a migliori prestazioni complessive nella sessione di sparring. Ripeti la stessa mossa più e più volte e il tuo corpo la automatizzerà. Allenamenti e perforazioni costanti porteranno a progressi e sviluppi più rapidi nel BJJ.
Fai domande, ma non pensarci troppo, e accetta che all’inizio non capirai tutto: ogni arte marziale è un viaggio passo dopo passo
It is very important to ask questions during your BJJ, even your weight training program. It means your mind is in the workout session, not somewhere else. But please, do not get too caught up in trying to understand everything right away. BJJ takes time to master, keep that in mind!
Va bene avere domande e non comprendere appieno tutto in primo luogo. Gli atleti di tutti gli sport hanno difficoltà a comprendere i piccoli dettagli: il tuo istruttore è qui per spiegarti.
Imparerai e migliorerai nel tempo: concentrati sui progressi che fai. Per favore, non fissarti troppo sulla comprensione di tutto perfettamente fin dall’inizio. A volte puoi scrivere le tue domande e portarle al tuo istruttore o al tuo sparring partner: questo ti porterà a un migliore progresso e comprensione del gioco.
Spar After Class To Improve Your Skills, As Long As You Are Healthy
It is very important to sparring in BJJ training because you will get a chance to test everything you’ve learned during your classes. You can also stay with your BJJ training partners after workouts to try your movements a few more times – you’ll master moves quicker. 🙂
You should train hard, but don’t push your muscles over the limit and listen to your body. When you’re not healthy, please skip the class.
Take advantage of your sparring opportunities every time you can in the gym, but don’t feel too much pressure. If you’re not ready to escape submissions yet, it’s fine, listen to your critical thinking voice – you will be ready to take a step up in a few weeks or months!
Preventing Injuries in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Training: Tips And Techniques
Please warm up at least 10-15 minutes before each training session, and try to increase the temperature of every single muscle. When you have an injured area, use creams or other additional warm-up techniques.
Please listen to your body and take a break when you feel fatigued or experience pain. The proper technique and form will reduce the risk of an injury – athletes with better skills don’t hurt themselves very often.
When you learn the technique incorrectly, it activates the wrong muscles and might be hard to correct. Control your technical aspect of the game and work with a coach or an experienced partner to avoid mistakes.
Please seek medical attention when you experience an injury. Sometimes it takes time to properly recover. Let me give you an example.
Diciamo che ti sei fatto male al piede e non ci sono lezioni di BJJ per te. Nessun problema, puoi andare in palestra e lavorare con i pesi. Bench press, overhead press e altri esercizi per la parte superiore del corpo non attivano i muscoli del piede. Ti fa male il braccio? Bene, puoi fare un front squat e altri esercizi per gambe più forti!
Solo BJJ Training Techniques: Mastering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu On Your Own
You mostly need a good partner to push your training skills to the next step, but if you’d like to train alone, there are benefits too. For example, you can practice at your own pace or focus on specific techniques. After all, your dojo comrade is not everything, a good training dummy can assist too!
Let’s be honest, solo training can supplement regular training at a gym or dojo. But you must focus on the proper form and safety when working out alone. If you can, train in a room with mirrors, it will help you auto-correct your mistakes.
Solo training has its limits – for example, you can only do specific drilling techniques or shadow grappling. But you need a partner to create a feeling of the fight. You can follow your strength training program on your own, but you cannot, for example, take your imaginary partner down via single leg from the starting position and trap him into an arm-triangle choke.
A beginner could hardly train alone. It is essential to understand BJJ techniques before attempting to practice them alone.
E ora una nota molto importante. L’allenamento in solitaria non può sostituire le sessioni regolari sotto la supervisione di un allenatore o di un istruttore: può aiutare le tue abilità a crescere, ma un allenatore esperto serve a correggere i tuoi errori. La distensione su panca è uno dei migliori esercizi di allenamento della forza per i maghi da dietro perché sarai in grado di passare alla posizione dominante molto più facilmente!
Solo Training Pitfalls And Techniques For BJJ Improvement
A volte è così difficile allenarsi senza feedback in quanto potrebbe portare allo sviluppo di cattive abitudini e tecniche errate. Tuttavia, quando stabilisci chiari obiettivi di allenamento da solista e crei un piano strutturato per raggiungerli, nulla può impedirti di raggiungere la vetta!
Please seek out online resources, there are tons of high-quality videos all over social media. Also, you should find a training partner to drill with periodically, a dummy cannot replace an exercise with a real human!
But there are many benefits of incorporating solo drills and exercises, like increased focus and control of the situation.
For example, you can combine Olympic lifts with takedowns or transitions from the bottom, which leads to the direct specific appliance of the first drill in the second one.
Shadow grappling and resistance band workouts could improve your BJJ skills. For example, you can simulate a hip toss or wrestling throw and then transition to the floor and change positions on your imaginary opponent. There are many ways to combine, but if and only if you understand moves properly.
Problems With Solo Training In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)
The greatest problems of training without a partner are a potential lack of feedback and difficulty in correcting form. That’s why we strongly advise you to train in a room with mirrors as it gives you at least some kind of control over your form.
Master BJJ Techniques From Home: Top Drills For Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Training
Regular BJJ drilling matters, as it boosts your muscle memory and leads to better technique. When you try a move 100+ times, you will do it without thinking. Everyday exercise will affect your levels of strength and stamina – it will turn you into a cardio machine with amazing power and muscular endurance!
There are some positive aspects of home training – you can boost your sports performance by working out on your own schedule and at your own pace.
Mastering The Backward Shoulder Roll Technique For BJJ
Backward shoulder rolls are crucial for beginners, and the next part of the article focuses on one of the technically most demanding elements.
Technique: Kick-off in the squat position holding your hands close to your stomach, palms flat towards the sky, shoulder height. Tuck your chin. Drop your butt down like you’re trying to sit keeping your legs together and roll back while lifting your legs straight, putting pressure on your shoulders and hands.
Push with your hands and shoulders to lift yourself off the floor a bit as your technical aspect of the game advances. Your hands must be flat against the floor, while your elbows should point towards the ceiling for maximum power and performance.
Roll quickly to get some force and momentum, engaging your hands and arms when your body rolls towards your neck. Strengthen your arms in the final phase of the motion.
You will need abdominal and arm strength to generate force and perform the movement, so strength training might help you perform the move better.
Here is a list of instructions to perfect your backward shoulder roll technique:
- Setup your mat in a V-shape to enable more protection to your neck and shoulders for the exercise.
- Use a wedge – roll backward down the wedge and explode in the air kicking your toes over your head to roll yourself.
- Use a mirror or a spotter – ask a friend to look at your performance and correct your mistakes.
- If you land on your knees, tuck yourself into a tighter ball to generate more power and momentum.
Technical Stand-Up For Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: How To Improve Your Game
There isn’t much of a stand-up game in a BJJ fight as fighters tend to drag your opponent to the mat ASAP. Yet, when you take part in an MMA combat, a stand-up matters as you can’t just initiate a takedown from the starting position – it is too obvious. There are tons of great exercises all over the internet.
Focus on wrestling transitions, and single and double-leg takedowns. Learn to dive under your opponent and drag him to the canvas. Also, you must learn to feint and hide the real intention of your rival will sprawl or punish you with a knee or uppercut in MMA combat.
Stay away from kneeling on both knees as it will be too easy to defend your takedown attempt. Always try to push with your whole body and push your weight forward. If you can, learn chain wrestling, connect from single to double-leg, and vice versa.
The Granby Roll Technique For Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Mastering The Move
Granby Roll is one of the most difficult moves but it is very efficient in both MMA and BJJ fight. I hope you’re a fan of Mateusz Gamrot, as he’s a master of this amazing tricky transition.
Granby roll is one of the best ways to set yourself free from the rival on your back. You can also perform it from the turtle position, or any situation where your enemy controls your back or ribs (you need to master the move, of course).
Let’s describe the Granby roll technique, step-by-step. You’ll need a great partner and a lot of gym training to master the move. Strength training doesn’t matter here, it’s all about the technique.
- Let’s assume you mastered the front roll. If you didn’t, please stop reading and master that drill first.
- Turtle is your starting position. Cross your arms first and let the opponent wrap his hands around your waist.
- Raise on the tips of your toes and do a front roll over your shoulder that is closer to your training partner. For example, if he holds you in a seat belt position from your left, rotate over your left shoulder to set yourself free and try to scramble your way to the top.
- You must clear your arms, legs, and hips for maximum performance. Optionally, you can cross your arms to create more space for your roll and create separation.
Rocking Chairs: A Key Drill For Improving Your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Game
Rocking chair is one of the most basic drills, especially when you enjoy fighting off your back. You must learn rocking chair properly for a successful triangle choke, Omoplata, triangle armbar, Kimura sweep, or any other transition off the bottom. You can finish even the greatest strikers and ground-and-pound experts when you master this basic BJJ exercise.
Lay on your back, grab your shins, and move up and down rotating sideways. Keep your chin tucked and your head up – it serves to explode later.
To perform the harder variation of the drill, put your arms in the level of your chin. Now try to extend your hips and raise them in the air. From there, you can continue moving in the air and simulate a triangle choke, armbar attempt, Omoplata, or any other submission attempt.
Perform rocking chair in the warm-up and try to continue with the scramble when you lift your hips off the floor.
You can cross your legs, explode and end up on top of your imaginary partner, or even try to create some space between you and the guy on the top to defend yourself via knee shield or butterfly guard. There are so many variations, depending on your level of expertise.
You must visualize your movement or train with a dummy for maximum results, be aware of your action before you try it out! Strength training could help, do hip thrusts or a front squat in the gym or strengthen your back, quads, and glutes for a more powerful transition.
Frequently Asked Questions About BJJ Training
How long does it take to become a BJJ master?
You will need at least 4-5 years to master this amazing martial art. Sometimes it takes ages to get the black belt, but unlike in other sports, the BJJ trip to the stars lasts very, very long.
Is BJJ a hard workout?
It depends on your goals. If you want to compete, it is one of the toughest sports. You must exercise every day, build your professional strength, and strictly follow your strength training program to win your weight class. On the other hand, those who plan to train for fun will probably call BJJ “a moderate activity that boosts their health and leads to a better body composition”.
What are the benefits of BJJ training?
BJJ training offers numerous physical and mental benefits. Physically, it provides a full-body workout that can improve cardiovascular health, increase flexibility, and enhance strength and endurance. Mentally, it promotes discipline, focus, and self-confidence, as well as a sense of community and camaraderie among practitioners. Additionally, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training can enhance problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities, as it requires quick thinking and strategy to execute techniques successfully.
What can I expect from BJJ training, and how can I prepare for it?
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training typically involves a combination of drilling techniques, live sparring, and competition preparation. It’s a physically demanding sport that requires dedication and perseverance, and it’s not uncommon to experience some discomfort or soreness after training. To prepare for BJJ training, it’s recommended to start with a solid foundation of cardiovascular and strength training, as well as flexibility exercises to improve range of motion. It’s also important to have an open mind, be willing to learn from mistakes, and approach training with a positive attitude and a growth mindset.