The root of Shotokan Karate and the taught techniques suggest that you will learn to defend yourself effectively. But the application of a Karate technique under training conditions or competition is significantly different from the constraints of a self-defense situation.
Shotokan Karate is sufficient for self-defense. Its training system teaches more as pure self-defense but requires a little more time until you can vigorously develop your full defensive skills.
However, to acquire self-defense, karate techniques must be learned. It is not appropriate to rehearse a rich fund of methods or very flexible handling of case situations; it is more important to use the technique very strong, keep the correct distance, and be targeted. You can use different bunkai, randori, and Kumite situations as self-defense exercises.
What is Shotokan Karate?
Shotokan Karate is an empty-handed martial art rooted in the fundamental techniques of punching, striking, kicking, and blocking. Yet, there is a deeper aspect of serious Karate training, which deals with character development.
Shotokan Karate is a way for an individual to realize the more significant potential and increase the extensions of that individual’s physical and mental capacities.
Shotokan Karate is an excellent, time-proven method of personal development. It is a traditional Japanese Martial Art developed by Master Gichin Funakoshi for self-defense. It is steadily rooted in a strong martial arts tradition, emphasizing lifetime practice for a healthy body and mind, rather than strictly as a sport.
Is Shotokan Karate good for self-defense?
Gichin Funakoshi created Shotokan karate as an art of self-defense to effectively help you repel an attacker, not a means of sporting competition. Shotokan Karate is suitable for self-defense as it allows you to be better prepared for an emergency.
It has several defensive techniques taught through kumite and bunkai that, when correctly mastered, you’ll indeed defend yourself against any attacker. It ensures self-defense is nurtured effectively through insinuating the following effects on you- the karateka.
- The techniques will become natural moves to you. You’re trained to develop the skills as reflex action instead of the willful act after properly internalizing them through constant repetitions. These enable you to react and apply them without thinking, allowing you to overpower your opponent quickly.
- You develop an enhanced physique. It ensures you have great physical strength and endurance as it focuses on strengthening your arms and hand strength, legs, and trunk strength, increasing your speed of action, and a good sense of balance required to shove an opponent effectively.
- The mental strength. You learn with other karatekas of different sizes and weights in training, thus an excellent chance to test your physical strength and abilities. You get a better understanding of your own body, self-control, and ease of mind and harmony. You’ll as well gain a better feeling for distance and optimized timing as a result of mental strength development that Shotokan Karate works on in the process of training your self-defense.
- You’ll have a know-how of the best techniques to use when defense calls. Such strategies may include; evasion, keeping distance to the opponent, redirection, wiping, and foot sweep techniques. As well as attacks on crucial areas, double arm attacks, i.e., defending and shooting in a single strike and chokehold and lock skills, will enrich your mastered skills for quick danger evacuation.
It is suitable for your self-defense. However, you need to fully undergo the whole Shotokan training system to efficiently gain its benefits and effects. This will require some little patience and lots of training for you to develop the abilities fully and have an unshakeable defense that other systems may not provide.
Is Shotokan Karate good for street fighting?
Yes, Shotokan is suitable for street fighting as it guarantees your self-defense mechanism. Shotokan Karate co-operates very destructive techniques that aim at entirely destroying, maiming, or killing your opponent.
For street fighting is a matter of life or death situation when escaping a danger, well mastered Shotokan karate skills can get you out of the situation in a minute.
It, however, depends on your grade for a white belt or simply a beginner cannot have the same escaping potential as compared to a black belt. Therefore, you have to be patient with yourself and develop your skills well before you can purely engage in life-threatening street fights.
What is the best style of Karate for self defense?
There are many Karate styles out there, some originating from China, some others originating from Okinawa or Japan. Before getting an answer to “what is the best Karate style for self-defense,” it’s crucial first to understand two things. That is, what the terms “style” and “best” mean.
What is a karate style?
I know that you know what a style is; you know of Shotokan, Shito-Ryu, Goju-Ryu, Kyokushin, and Shorin-Ryu, but I’m referring to the concept of “style.” A Karate style is a way you see the world. It’s a way you express your Karate. When you belong to a type, you don’t see Karate as a whole, but you see it as a part of the whole.
It’s like wearing colored glasses. If you wear blue-colored glasses, the world is going to be blue, and if you wear pink-tinted glasses, then the world will be pink. That would be an illusion to speak that the world is blue or red, right? Your glasses are signifying only a portion of reality, not the truth itself, just as a Karate style does not represent the truth of Karate.
What do you mean by the “best” style?
Many people, including you, are questioning, “what’s the best Karate style for self-defense?” but think it’s essential to define what you mean by the word “best.” Assuming that when you are looking for the best Karate styles, they mean best in terms of effectiveness and practicality.
For me, the best Karate style allows you, the practitioner, to protect yourself in real-life aggression, and it’s on that theory that this article was based on. It’s vital to understand that not every Karate style is created equally. To internalize this, we will see that, independently of sorts, there are three main types of Karate, and each type has very different objectives and purposes.
What are the main styles of Karate?
Karate is divided into several styles; however, there are those regarded as the Karate’s main style, and that each has a different version of what effectiveness is. The main kinds of Karate include;- Kyokushin Karate, Shotokan Karate, Goju-Ryu Karate, Shorin-Ryu Karate, and Shito-Ryu Karate. Let’s explore the distinctions between each type regarding their objective and purpose.
Shotokan Karate
Shotokan Karate is one of the most practiced styles. It was developed in Tokyo by Gichin Funakoshi in 1938. Shotokan Karate uses both the upper and lower bodies to produce punches and kicks, which are linear and forceful. Practitioners employ powerfully delivered, straight-line strikes designed to stop an attacker or opponent quickly.
Many parts of the body are applied as potential weapons with striking force, including fingers, hands, elbows, arms, legs, knees, and feet. Shotokan doesn’t rely entirely on circular movements.
Practitioners of Shotokan karate are taught to focus on: speed, form, balance, breathing.
Shito-Ryu Karate
Shito-Ryu Karate was invented by Kenwa Mabuni during the 1920s. It’s yet one of the most popular types practiced in Japan. Shito-Ryu emphasizes on speed and fluidity during sparring and katas. It’s recognized for its vast multitude of katas, most of which use low-to-the-ground but short stances, similar to Sumo wrestling.
It applies closed-handed punches, elbow strikes, and kicks.
Shito-Ryu’s present soke (headmaster or leader) is Kenwa Mabuni’s granddaughter, Tsukasa Mabuni, who is continuing to pass on her grandfather’s teachings.
Goju-Ryu Karate
Goju-Ryu karate is based on the complementary principles of hard and soft. Disciples learn techniques that include hard, closed-fist punches and quiet, open hand strikes. If you’re a spectator of the Karate Kid movies, immortalized by the iconic Crane Kick move, you’ve already seen Goju-Ryu karate in action.
Movements are circular, precise, and flowing. Practitioners divert their opponent’s strikes with angular movements, trailed by spiky and hard punches and kicks. There is also an excellent emphasis on breathing techniques designed to produce harmony between the body and brain.
Kyokushin Karate
Kyokushin interprets into “ideal truth” in Japanese. It is an aggressive fighting style of Karate. It includes components of full-body contact sparring, high kicks, and aggressive punching. Opponents are permitted to kick each other’s heads and different segments of the legs and the body. Knee strikes, which associates using the knees to seize into the opponent’s body, are also allowed.
If you are interested, check out how good Kyokushin Karate is for self defense.
Shorin-Ryu Karate
The Shorin-Ryu method has an intense emphasis on maintaining physical and mental balance. Katas are performed with a healthy, upright posture, sharp kicks, and closed-handed punches. Practitioners learn to avoid strikes through body movements and spar with counterattacks that strive to reduce their opponents’ ability to remain upright.
What are the characteristics of the best karate style?
We have already established the fact that what makes “the best Karate style” is its level of practicality and effectiveness in real-life scenarios. Now, let’s discover what this means.
As you read earlier on the page, Karate was created for self-defense. That’s the essence of it. Without efficiency and self-defense in mind, there is no Karate. So, “the best Karate style” has self-defense at its core. Of course, like every other style, it includes kihon, kata, and kumite. Your Karate style should have the authenticity to teach you the real practical Karate that can allow you to protect yourself if your physical integrity is compromised. It should, therefore, exhibit the following features.
1. Understands real aggression
The best karate style understands the reality of self-defense. It recognizes the nature of an actual violent assault. It understands that sparring is entirely distinct from self-defense. Katas and sparring are a means to an end, not the end itself.
2. Always has effectiveness in mind
The best Karate style understands that efficiency starts in your mind. When you’re training, whether you’re doing drills, kata, or sparring, you should always keep in mind that whatever you’re doing has to be effective in a real-life confrontation. That should be the state of mind in which you train.
Don’t let it slide. Don’t allow techniques or applications that are not suitable for the streets. It takes a lot of courage to observe yourself during training and see if you are doing it realistically or not. Sometimes you get caught into patterns that can, unfortunately, be detrimental to you in terms of practicability. So you have to be honest and humble enough to observe yourself, observe our practice, and adjust if need be.
3. Covers every range
The best Karate style should teach you to be comfortable in every range. What does that mean? Well, it means that in reality, the distance at which you are going to defend yourself from the opponent is not always going to be the same.
Maybe that’s the case then training in the dojo, but not on the street. Sometimes the opponent is going to be close. Sometimes he’s going to be far; sometimes he’s going to start immediately and push you, sometimes he’s going to begin far away and come close to you.
During a real confrontation, the distance between you and your opponent will vary and change. You have to be able to deal with those ranges. Typically we say there are three ranges: the long-range, which is the kicking range. The medium-range, which is the punching range, and the short-range, which is the elbow/grappling range. Grabbing content exists in Karate.
4. Practices sparring
The best Karate style practices sparring. That being said, it’s essential to understand that you’re never going to defend yourself the way you spar in the Karate dojo. Sparring is critical because it’s teaching you to adapt to your opponent’s movement, something not possible during the practice of kata or kihon, for example. Working with a partner on drills is essential, but you’re dealing with prearranged patterns and fixed tempo. That’s why you need to practice sparring with a live moving partner.
5. Practices self-defense
Another essential characteristic of the best Karate style is that it practices sparring and self-defense, that’s a must! In every class, you need to have time devoted exclusively to the practice of self-defense. It would be best to learn how to deal with “street attacks” and not perfectly delivered Karate punch or kick.
There’s a massive difference between the two, but unfortunately, that’s something most people don’t realize. Karate attack has a specific pattern; it has a certain rhythm and an individual tempo.
With experience, you can predict them just by looking at your opponent or training partner. Therefore you need to train against non-conventional, non-traditional attacks and grabs (because real-life aggression can involve grabbing, not only strikes). Be aware that it is imperative to learn how to defend yourself against these unconventional scenarios in terms of Karate practice.
6. Trains against weapons
The best Karate style teaches you how to defend yourself against weapons. In a real life-threatening situation, your opponent may be going to be armed, so you want to be able to deal with that. You have to be ready to defend yourself against knives, guns, scissors, clubs, or whatever else. That’s why most Okinawan Karate practitioners train in Kobudo to learn how weapon functions and deal with it.
7. Trains against more than one opponents
The best Karate style should teach you how to defend yourself against multiple opponents. As we just saw, in a self-defense situation, your opponents may be going to be armed, and it’s equally likely that there’s going to be more than one opponent. The best Karate style trains you for such scenarios.
Now, which one is the best for your self-defense? All types of Karate are vehicles of self-defense. Kyokushin may be your best choice for learning significant, hand-to-hand combat moves, should the need ever arises for you to use them.
What does Shotokan Karate mean?
The name “Shotokan” comes from the term “Shoto,” which was Funakoshi’s pen name, meaning ‘waving or billowing pine’ while kan means “house” or “hall.” Shotokan Karate is a traditional martial art. This means that character and mental discipline refinements are as significant as physical skill, if not more so. Shotokan’s art and exercise is based on principles of compassion, humility, patience, and respect, as well as inner and outer calmness.
Does Shotokan Karate use weapons?
Shotokan Karate is generally an empty-handed technique. However, some katas are very well weapon-based, such as Bassai-Dai basing some of its motions off Nunchaku, Bassai-Sho using a Bo, and Kanku-Dai being the removal of a staff weapon from an opponent. Some dojos will teach Kobudo, which is the use of Sai, Tonfa, Bo, Nunchaku, and other weapons. This graduates Shotokan Karate to be weapons inclusive, even though a karateka will encounter them at his/her higher grades of practice.
Just to let you know, the use of weapons in the Shotokan style of Karate has an exciting history. The traditional weapons taught in Kobudo were first nothing more than farming tools. Be patient you’re going to get the favorite part of this history.
When the Japanese conquered Okinawa and set up a police force in Nada’s capital, they quickly banned the military class. They impounded all arms that were a means of guardianship for citizens. With these actions, the Japanese felt assured that the islanders would not agitate against their invasion.
However, the conquerors had not taken into contemplation the heritage of the islanders – that of the martial arts. This was, in portion, due to the close more massive ties with China. The enormous country’s kung Fu styles and skills were mixed with the islanders’ indigenous fighting arts. After discussing with the old monks, the islanders began to toughen their knuckles and elbows on straw pads and wet sand.
Gradually, they graduated into striking tree trunks. They stroke their fists into the trees day after day until huge calluses built upon several elements of their bodies.
The sheathing of the Japanese troops and the Samurai was made of lacquered leather thongs and bamboo. When the islanders resolved the time had come to rally back in guerilla attacks, their hardened fingers and hands quickly transfixed their opponents’ protection. When mounted bevies were sent in, the islanders conceived a series of fatal kicks executed while airborne, so even the prepared forces proved to be no obstacle.
The Farmers enacted their part in fighting back by transforming their farming tools into deadly weapons, which were as follows;
- The TONFA was the handle of the rice grinder.
- The KAMA was a sickle used to cut crops.
- The NUNCHAKU was used to separate grain by beating the plant material.
- The SAI was a pronged instrument used for planting seeds.
- The BO (staff) was used to move water buckets from fields and homes.
As mentioned above, the weapons and a few more borrowed from other disciplines are being taught in Kobudo. You will encounter these weapons during different belt levels, more so in “Dan” grades.
If you are interested, here is a complete list of martial arts that use weapons.
Which is better, Kyokushin, or Shotokan?
As you have read on the styles of Karate and the characteristics of the best type of Karate for self-defense, it is evident that Kyokushin posses a more significant percentage in comparison to Shotokan. Even though Shotokan Karate aims at putting the opponent out of control at a go, it requires extensive training as its training is mostly point-based.
On the other hand, Kyokushin deals with putting your opponent down from the word go as its practice are based chiefly on sparring that ends with one opponent down.
Therefore, it is better since you’ll only need a few classes to develop the aggressiveness and the courage required through several full contact sparring.
If you are interested, read our complete breakdown of Kyokushin and Shotokan differences.
How long does it take to get a black belt in Shotokan Karate?
The average karateka that attends sessions diligently, at least three times a week, can possibly become a black belt in about 3 to 5 years. This margin of time is based on individual natural ability and skills. You can never meet a black belt, no matter how naturally skilled he or she is, that in effect has the skills of a genuine black belt, without at least 3 to 5 years of constant training. Try as you may, there is no surrogate for time to balance the skills you acquire.
Check out this article for everything about belts in Karate.